NukemD's Minecraft Server
NukemD's Minecraft Server
Owner NukemD
Status offline
Players 0/0
Version 1.8
Rank 34
Votes 1
Uptime -100%
Last Check 4 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types MCMMOPvESurvivalSpigot

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We're a small Minecraft server that's been around since 2011. Our server is dedicated to survival and PvE with minimal modding to have a balance between creature comforts and a vanilla Minecraft experience.

As a survival server, PvP, Raiding and/or griefing other players is not allowed. Hacked clients that enable illegal movement, xray vision or other abilities not normally found in Minecraft are also not allowed. When you are found to be using hacks and/or griefing other players or the world, you will be removed from the server indefinitely.

In keeping with our long standing tradition of survival and PvE, the world is reset for every major Minecraft release. This keeps the clutter of abandoned projects down to a minimum, ensures that resources don't get too depleted from excessive mining/digging and allows newer Minecraft features to be more easily utilized.

We have a small and friendly team of administrators to keep things running smoothly, so if you yearn for a low player count server where you don't have to constantly watch your back, this is the place for you.